“The greatest threat to our planet is the belief that someone else will save it.”

– Robert Swan

Our Mission Statement

We are a student-led environmental NGO with a mission to better our world by raising awareness about both global and local environmental challenges.


Employing avenues like volunteer campaigns, donation drives, offline poster protests, and thought-provoking articles. These avenues will be accomplished through the collaboration of our various teams.

Who We Are

Environmental organizations, like Envi-Go, are vital for addressing human-caused environmental issues. We work on various activities, from raising awareness to pushing for legislative reforms and conservation efforts. Envi-Go, initially started by students, has evolved into an NGO focused on tangible results, such as cleaning the Hangang river. We offer different factions for customized involvement, like plogging or animal conservation. Additionally, Envi-Go provides community service hours for volunteers. Join us to make a difference. You can make a difference.

Our Movement

The main focus of Envi-Go lies with the environment. More specifically, we are concerned with the action part. We know many people know why the environment needs to be protected, but most don't know how. We intend to lead by example. Here are some of our most notable projects from just 1 week.

  1. 20-person pick-up of trash alongside Hangang River, cleaning up 10 kilometer's worth of trash.

  2. Worked with 10 international schools globally to reduce unnecessary waste resulting from transportation, meal distributions, and resource waste.

Future projects include:

  1. Pickups in urban and suburban areas.

  2. Animal conservation of North America, Asia, and Europe with WWF.

Our social impacts continue to expand with every new member that joins us!


    • Handles the school's members and their roles.

    • Writes articles, to be published on our website, on various pressing and current global environmental issues

    • Plans and produces various video forms

    • Designs media forms such as IG posts and stickers

    • Recruits new members interested in joining the mission

    • Coordinates various events such as volunteer services and donation drives

    • Plans locations and detailed schedule for putting up stickers

    • Manages social media page

    • Participates in volunteer activities

Join The Movement

Interested in joining the team and pursuing our mission? Sign up through the link below.