Plastics in Ocean

Written by Joseph Kim

Imagine our Earth, a breathtaking canvas of land and sky, with the glamorous blue of the ocean. This vast realm of water holds a symphony of life, a treasure trove of wonders that have fascinated and sustained us for generations. Yet, amidst the grandeur of the ocean's embrace, a shadow of despair looms, and its name is plastic pollution.

As we take the 23 million metric tons of seafood that grace our tables for granted, we must pause to reflect on the harsh reality that this bounty is no longer pure. Every bite we take carries a hidden truth – an estimated 100 million marine souls are lost to the relentless grip of plastic waste. 90 percent of marine life carries the burden of plastic fragments within their very beings. These waters that once symbolized freedom are now marred by our negligence. And there's more: the fish we savor, the aquatic life we cherish, they too might harbor plastic, a sinister legacy of our actions.

Deep within the heart of this crisis lies an alarming truth: our oceans are being suffocated by plastic, the most pervasive pollutant of our times. The numbers stagger the imagination – 171 trillion plastic particles, weighing a colossal 2.3 million tons which are about 11 and a half thousand blue whales worth of deadly trash, taint the waters we hold dear. This isn't just about garbage; it's about life intertwined, an entire ecosystem paying the price for our convenience. The tragedy unfolds quietly as microscopic creatures like zooplankton and phytoplankton consume the deceptive plastic particles. This act of survival spirals into an intricate tragedy, affecting the fish we treasure, and eventually reaching our dinner plates.

After reflecting on the origin of this scourge, it is plastic waste that is discarded which is the source of these issues. Our everyday conveniences, the plastic bags, and containers, bear the brunt of our thoughtlessness. The truth is stark: human apathy and nature's capriciousness together spell doom. Winds that sing tales of freedom can also carry fragments of our neglect, depositing them in the ocean's embrace. Yet, plastic's true sin lies in its persistence; it refuses to dissolve. Studies suggest it can linger for centuries, haunting even the tiniest of creatures. These fragments of suffering disrupt growth, rob organisms of nourishment, and extinguish life, bit by heartbreaking bit.

In this sea of adversity, we're not left helpless. We're called to action, to be the stewards our planet deserves. A twofold strategy beckons – reducing plastic waste and nurturing diligent cleanup efforts. Both are vital, but the key to lasting change lies in the former. The urgency to cut waste at its source is a clarion call, for mere cleanup cannot stem the tide. The United Nations, in a beacon of hope, proposes a transformative trio – reuse, recycle, and innovate. The act of reusing plastic is an ode to sustainability; it can stifle the insatiable demand for new plastic. Recycling, a symphony of creativity, holds endless possibilities – from reinventing bags to crafting resilient materials. And using alternative materials to make up for plastic objects to reduce plastic consumption by the economy. Embracing these principles, we can sculpt a future that waltzes with harmony, envisioning an 80 percent reduction in plastic pollution by 2040, a legacy of our dedication to the oceans.



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